Thank you for visiting our volunteers page, without the help from people like you, Surrey Golf would simply not be able to run the events that it does.
At the start of each season our volunteers are asked to indicate their availability throughout the year and assigned to events accordingly. The type of Surrey Golf event you can expect to attend include the County Championships for all categories, the County Card events and the Rookie Tour. The duties of the volunteers range from starters, registration of players, checking and entering scorecards, ball spotting and generally helping to ensure the smooth running of the day. Food and refreshers are provided on the days and a mileage allowance is given.
There is no minimum requirement in terms of attendance, you can do as little or as much as you want.
There is a Volunteer Committee who are responsible for ensuring that all our competitions have the appropriate level of support and to identify any training requirements. and at the start of each season the volunteers are asked for their availability. Where possible we try and ensure that travel time is kept to a minimum.
We also have a Rules Panel that provides referees for most County Tournaments and Rookie Tour events. If you wish to become a County Referee, then we will be happy to receive expressions of interest, and will let you know about the process.
If you have some spare time on your hands and want to learn some new skills and meet likeminded individuals, then please get in touch with Caroline Hardy-Evans, Assistant to the County Secretary
caroline@surreygolf.org or call 01483 755788.