The Surrey A Team was set up many years ago to offer the top clubs in Surrey the opportunity to play scratch competition against the very best category 1 golfers from across the County.
Played in a friendly fashion, these matches are also taken very seriously and are a useful first look at exceptionally talented golfers in Surrey to progress in higher County team competitions.
Players must have a handicap of 3 or lower to represent the Surrey A Team.
Usually played in 8, 10 or 12 man teams across 36 holes of foursomes and singles.
The season starts in March with around 20 - 22 planned matched though out the year against some of the best clubs in the County ending with the usual Captain's Match against Burhill in late November.
If a home side defeats the invited County A Team on their home turf, they are awarded an engraved Plaque with the winning score during the Surrey AGM to proudly hang in their clubhouse.
All golfers with a handicap of 2 or lower who are a member of a Surrey Golf Club are encouraged to get involved with the Surrey County A Team. The matches are incredibly friendly and are a great way to meet talented and likeminded golfers across the County.
The season is laid out on an easy to use app where all squad members can tick their availability across the season for games they would like to be selected for.
Please contact the County Office or A Team Captains directly for more details.
Mark Scott
Surrey County A Team Captain
Office Tel: 01483 755788
Email: secretary@surreygolf.org